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#WRESTLETUBER2024 Day 1 Highlights


#WRESTLETUBER2024 Day 1 Highlights

The inaugural WRESTLETUBER kicked off with a glorious cascade of memorable moments from your favorite creators -- and even for being the first day, today was especially jam-packed.

Here's a recap of highlights from Day 1:

Jurard being clowned on


After his hilariously humiliating wrestling defeat, in classic dino fashion, Jurard found himself at the receiving end of Nana's savage roasting. It may have been another Tuesday for Nana, but for Jurard... fumbling through excuses and trying to save face in his canon event, Jurard's attempts were in vain as Nana roasted his haunches over an open flame.

Hakka's foul medium gets him humbled


Hakka came out of the spirit house with hella hands during both of his matches today, throwing immense shade at Juna after locking her in a nasty pin and even riling up Filian for a change during their pre-match interview. He might have averaged a swear word per second during his angsty exchange with them.

But after an iconic fish flop from the ring's edge that left Hakka stunned into a match-sealing pin by Filian, there was little Hakka could say. After some joking cheesing about a triple backshot belt buckle being cheaty (and a LOT of yapping), Hakka eventually owned up and turned humble in his defeat after wrecking the casters in a Minecraft exchange.

Axel vs DoKING - first time?


Is it their first time meeting? Even though they said it themselves... many say "no", after the sibling-grade dumpster fire of words was thrown between Axel and Doki during their pre-match. The heavyweights collided in the ring later, and Axel got his grade-A handed to him after a stylish stunning thigh kick into leg pin left him behind on DoKING's dusty trail.

Slippery Sara and her Sneaky Snake


Putting Chinri to an end, putting Doki in a Choki (her signature move), being an immovable object...what is there that Sara can't do?

The rising star came out of Slitherin's janitorial closet with a freaky boa friend and absolutely slaughtered her competition (hopefully not literally), expressing a special-forces level of power and speed that left her opponents in a remarkable daze as they were helplessly caught in her venemous fang's embrace. The crowd went wild on the upset during Sara's match with Doki, as her arm chokehold caused the king to tap out in an atomically short span of time.

Bettel SWEEPS with an electric aerobatic finisher


After destroying his twin in a flashy show of expertise, Bettel brought the rain to rock-star wizard Octavio during the last (and arguably best) match of the day. Flip after flip and kick after backflip, casters Snuffy and Filian could not keep quiet during the hysterical bursts of finesse Bettel brought out. Octavio was constantly on the ground, helpless in the face of Bettel's full physical frame slamming down upon him like a meteor from the cosmos coming to end life as he knew it (don't tell Jurard).

Unsurprisingly, and after some more belly-busting commentary, Bettel took the crown in an avant-garde sitting pin straight out of a romance novel.

Stay tuned for more, as Day 2 is going to be a rumbling rampage of destruction!