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#WRESTLETUBER2024 Day 2 Highlights


#WRESTLETUBER2024 Day 2 Highlights

There was no shortage of content coming out of the legendary Day 2 rollout, it was an absolute trainwreck of fun -- in fact, we got even more than we bargained for!

Check out this set of highlights from Day 2:

Double Ds vs Anime Girls: The Lightning Showcase Matchup


Day 2 opened with a ridiculously special drop-in from legendary Taka and renowned WWE veteran caster JIBO (!!!) to cast for the epic 2v2 show match between Merryweather/Buffpup and Shylily/Lucy... talk about a setup for a special moment!

It was a brutal bloodbath as the hounds went to town on the poor girls, delivering absolute carnage and chaos after a dirty blend of chairs, tables, sledgehammers, and possibly even rabies came into play in and around the ring. Taka and JIBO did a fantastic job providing real-time insights into the madness.

No surprises when I say the Double Ds won this match.

He's Mean, He's Green - He's FUYOMAN!


When you imagine buff and sexy heavyweight wrestlers, you've gotta admit that Fuyoman is probably nowhere near the top of that list (... or absolutely near). Whether you dig his fashion fit or not, there is no denying that Fuyoman is a menace on the battlefield. After taking three nonstop wins through the Oumiya Express, Snuffy Shantytown, and Nana Castle; Fuyoman has sealed himself a delicious bye to the final bracket.

Balenciaga Beauties - Luto vs Non


Speaking of sexy... Luto nailed a fabulous win against Non earlier, after the two of them took to stage as though they walked straight off the venue for the London Fashion Week to throw down and shake out who is the most gorgeous wrestler of them all. There's no telling how the day will end, but everyone knows: the both of them should take the look to Vogue.

Who's this huge pink roach lady???


After Mint's crazy break-in on two separate days... the reveal of a new security guard gave Mint some cause for concern. Although, she might have been a little responsible for sic'ing the dangerous roach lady on the venue's security detail.

Fatalities, who knows? But all we can ask is: what did she mean by that?


Diaper Meta scares Bettel just a little bit... but he's having none of it!


Every wrestler with a diaper has walked into the arena and walked out unscathed -- but Bettel is not going to have it. Defiantly declaring that he will go commando and not hide in the shadow in a fiery pre-match, Bettel squared off with Luto in a blazing fury of acrobatics and signature flips.

Much to everyone's surprise, despite taking hundreds of pounds of Big Red Damage, Bettel did not relent pin after pin, defeating Luto with one final diaper grasp into a ferocious leg pin.

Sara vs Filian = David vs Goliath


A saucy pre-match led into Sara's signature Longest Intro Ever, and even though Filian left us hanging without a Griddy in their walkup, the two immediately locked in to feel each other out (of the ring).

Filian delivered a series of huge headlock elbow drops, nailing early pins to put the pressure on. Sara responded in kind with a flying back-kick and a Butt To The Face, but Filian remained unfettered. Sara brought in a signature spin drop, nearly locking Filian out. But Filian responded in kind with the gymnast's equivalent of an Immelmann maneuver, before a 10-foot piledriver off the ring's edge.

Filian finished the fight with an Olympic Nosedive out of a signature backflip rivaling that of Bettel's caricature, putting an end to Sara's winning streak.

Mint vs Matara - Hag Fight of the Decade!


A delightful surprise awaited us in the pre-match for Mint vs Matara, as the latter showcased their sultry voice for Mint. The instant they did, there was nothing but five straight minutes of laughter... the only thing we could take away was that Matara was fighting with her assets, and Mint intended to exploit the defenses with her signature motorboat maneuver.

Solid Mint vs Liquid Kan. Matara brought the party with her red solo cup, and Mint took a quote straight out of Raiden's vengeful lore, packing an entire bakery in her arsenal of kickass. Instantly, Matara brought out the missiles, stancing and emoting over Mint's dazed figure after a heavy slam. Over and over again, Matara delivered heavy blows and split drops taken straight from Senator Armstrong's BL collection.

Mint performed a hilarious tokusatsu on Matara after a jaw-dropping London Bridge Suplex, before locking in the match with a final leg pin.

Fuyoman's Fearful Curse wafted its way to Bettel...


The Schwarzeneggar-like delivery on Fuyoman's pre-match interview with Bettel was enough to drive Bettel into a neurotic breakdown. But will that have been enough to unshackle his acrobatic domain expansion, and show Fuyoman the business? Will Bettel grab the signature package with his Max Luck?

Some ferocious exchanges opened this match, with some heavy log slams from Fuyo paving the way for him to toss Bettel around like an irish tea kettle. Fuyo just about made it look like a normal street fight, as Bettel was taking the heavy blows. But he came back with energy, railing some signature flip-slams and Tekken-like kicks, setting Fuyo in his place. But the tide quickly turned, as Fuyo slams him and locks a pin. But the tide turned again, as Bettel locked an olympic leg throw into a leg pin. But like the clingy orc that never stops coming back, Fuyo brought the pain back -- by bringing Bettel back to the ground at a speed faster than gravity would like to admit. Some more hackysack throwing then ensued.

Fuyo nearly locked Bettel in with the Patrick Star House Renovation Project, but Bettel gave a stomp and a pair of out-of-ring slams in return. With a final devious roguelike play, Bettel knocked the Mean Green Leprechaun out just as the ring timer ran out -- locking away a win and bringing down a titan.

Filian vs Mint - Lightweight's Causeway


After promises of legal pirating in King Filian of the Pirates' Crew for Solid Mint, the two took it to the ring to duke out their future friendship-in-the-making. Filian opened with an instant clothesline, sending Mint straight to Davy Jones' Locker with a series of foot pummels and acrobatic body slams. Mint brought the reversal back with a pioneering head slam from above, nearly locking her out with a leg pin.

Despite being thrown out of the ring, Mint nailed a Loop-de-Suplex and sent Filian to the slammer house with yet another attempted pin. Mint delivered another London Bridge Suplex special, Filian landed an insane reversal but fumbled a flip and got reset harder than an old hard disk. The dynamic duo kept the crowd on the edge of their seat with choreography straight out of John Wick -- but the match finally came to an end after Mint performed a legendary teleport to catch Filian off-guard... only to find herself caught in one of Filian's sneaky leg locks. Filian won.

THE GRAND FINALE - Bettel vs Filian


Which brings us to our final cookout, the Grand Finale of WRESTLETUBER! A saucy thundering pre-match delivered us some Drake vs Kendrick grade fire between David and Charlie... who's who? You know. But would Bettel's confidence absolve him of his sins as the Diaper Vanquisher, in the face of an emaciated dancer straight out of Final Fantasy?

With not a single thought behind their eyes, they entered the ring faster than Lightning Breathing: Seventh Form. Two olympiads with gold medals in acrobatics. Filian clotheslined Bettel like a ninja and immediately tried to pin him in a leg lock. Bettel's signature shinobi skills took over though, delivering some spicy returns on his attack tactics.

Like two dancers, the two very elegantly exchanged face-in-leg throws, almost as though they were meant to be lovers from enemies. Without a lick of Mint's Wattpad in sight though, Filian brought some drop-kicking martial arts. Taking a nut-shot in stride, Bettel returned in kind with some ridiculous spin-drops into the first-ever rope break -- but Filian freed herself of his avant-garde lock at the 2.9-second mark. Some concrete action was had as Filian fumbled a leg drop and left Bettel to drag her across the floor like a desecrated heathen.

Bettel countered a remarkable triple-backflip with his own drop kick, and the two exchanged a ridiculous flurry of pins out of Mission Impossible. The lights-out omae-wa counter sent Filian out of the ring and left her in shackles under Bettel's foot, the calcium in her bones freeing themselves of their earthly bonds as Bettel landed yet another 10-foot flying ring drop.

But finally... after an insane and long match (definitely not rigged), Bettel finally put a dusty and tired Filian into a final avant-garde lock, bringing home a belt and an end to the championship. As Filian set it herself, she will not forget this loss after going through nine rounds of hellfire and torment... she will be back next year.



But the day wasn't over yet... as everyone was caught off-guard and Bettel found himself needing to defend his title when an unknown 3D challenger appeared.

Who other than U-Man himself?! The gigachad himself took to the ring, and we then all witnessed history in the making.

And as expected, U-Man brought the full force of the iron curtain down upon Bettel's poor lanky twink body, delivering a phenomenal set of drops, kicks, and slams to show off his prowess. Even with the fusion of his twin coursing through his veins, Bettel struggled in the face of U-Man's onslaught to regain his guard after a weary day.

In no time at all (like seriously, no time), Bettel was left in tatters on the outside of the ring... as the ring timer closed to 10.

Thus, U-Man became the upsetting WRESTLETUBER Champion, and Bettel became the Shortest WRESTLETUBER Championship Belt Holder in WRESTLETUBER history.

Did you enjoy the day? Let us know your thoughts on Day 2!